From the Hidden Rules that Were Established in Your Family
In some families, unspoken rules govern behaviour. These include "don't trust," "don't make friends outside the family," and "nothing is wrong, everything is fine." These rules often go unchallenged, even by family members themselves.
Boundaries are for our care and protection, they are there to keep us safe. That’s pretty obvious if you think about walls and fences, or skin. If we had no skin…
In this post we are going to look at recovering your voice. There is a potent rule of 'don’t speak' within families with parents who are dependent on substances or processes.
Discover the three family rules that keep dependency cycles intact: Don't Speak, Don't Trust, and Don't Feel. Learn how these unspoken rules affect children of addiction and create the foundation for adult challenges. This post introduces key concepts from my book on healing from family dysfunction and breaking free from these survival patterns