Beyond Survival: Transforming Trauma's Legacy on Your Actions
As adults, the trouble maker often uses their style to keep people at a distance. They may act out at work, drawing anger from others. Behind this façade, they hide deep emotional pain.
Families are funny organisms - made up of a group of people that are bound together by blood and shared experiences. Whenever a group of people get together, you can see that some people are the organisers, some are the clowns, some look after everyone and others are happy to be led.
Uncover the complex world of family dynamics and survival roles as we delve into The Family Hero. Explore characteristics, hidden costs, and transformation strategies in our insightful blog. Start your healing journey now.
The Mascot appears carefree and fun, using humour to mask their true feelings. Beneath this charming exterior lies deep-seated fear and insecurity. Often sheltered from family issues, they may seem oblivious to the problems around them, but their inner turmoil remains unseen.
No-one notices the lost child, they love to be alone. This is where they are comfortable and safe. No-one can hurt them if no-one is around. The weird (maybe not so weird) thing about this is that behind the wall that they created they suffer intense loneliness. It’s a paradox.